Infinity - Massimiliano Pavon

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In this table we sought to represent masculine strength and energy that are recognized as a vital dimension inseparable from feminine stability and delicacy.
Sign energy derives from structural essentiality and optimization and is layered in the complex semnatic references of the same sign.

The lemniscate of Bernoulli is a plane curve described mathematically in 1694 by Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli (1655-1705).
The Latin term lemniscus, from the Greek λημνίσκος (band, ribbon), in ancient Rome designated a ribbon wrapped around militia and triumphal crowns. In more general terms it describes a ribbon wrapped around garlands and festoons in architectural decorations.
Graphically, Bernoulli's lemniscate can also be described as a number 8 rotated by 90°.
In mathematical terms it represents infinity, or an infinitely large number, according to a convention attributed to English mathematician John Wallis (1616-1703).
In the ancient culture of India it represents the perfect generative and vital balance between the male and female principles, with meanings partially overlapping with those expressed by the Chinese concept and symbol of Yin-Yang.
Metaphorically, this symbol represents the eternity of vital flow, as, for example, in Celtic knots.
Similar semantic content is also found in urobóro, a very ancient symbol found in many peoples and in different eras, representing a snake biting its tail, forming a loop without beginning or end, sometimes also defined graphically by means of a lemniscate. It represents universal energy that is consumed and renewed, devouring and regenerating itself in an endless cycle, thus expressing the concepts of perfection, unity and totality, infinity, eternity.

“What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible.”
Umberto Eco

Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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