MISSION - Massimiliano Pavon

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We look for essential at times even minimalist forms that are oriented to the contemporary but rooted in a diachronic underlayer,  particularly expressed by the Italian cultural tradition.
The search often leads to the universal language of symmetries and mathematical proportions, echoing the logic behind traditional forms.
In our small way we try to contribute to one of the three pillars supporting our life: Beauty.

Architecture and Design studio.
Focus on research and experimentation, applied to projects of different scales, as a basis for interpreting the complexity of a fragmented and conflicting world.
Conceiving and materializing forms and spatial solutions and, pertaining to both minimal and complex geometrical systems, by combining traditional, sustainable, innovative and contemporary materials and techniques.
Connecting, on the international stage, companies, professionals and agencies with Italian productions facilities, with particular attention to high-level craftmanship, in defense of the inevaluable treasure of knowledge of Italian craftmen.
Helping clients and partners to create and develop their products and ideas. Offering design services with an emphasis in product design and small scale manufacturing.

Manufacturer of contemporary furnishing items.

IS - InsilvisStore
Insilvis online Sore

Collection of furnishing items particularly rooted in the Italian figurative and material culture, expression of the Italian atmosphere.

Some artists are asked to interpret utility objects. Artistic expression innobles a functional moment.
The performance of a function is thus the occasion for an intellectual and psichic encounter that is renewed avery day.

Insilvis corporate brand related to sport storage design objects.

Natural and ecological architecture, natural and ecological furnishing.

Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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