Insilvisplus - Massimiliano Pavon

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Insilvisplus, the new INSILVIS's magazine.

INSILVIS' vast production of furniture objects is collected in the insilvis corporate website, published under the extensions .com (in English), .it (in Italian), .eu (in French).
Commissioned projects, resulting from contacts with architects and clients on the international scene, "concepts", sketched and pending projects and conceptual proposals did not find adequate space on the institutional site.
This is how the "magazine" insilvisplus was born, for the time being with the extension .it (in Italian), to host, day by day, in chronological rather than thematic order, the visual, conceptual and affective world of INSILVIS.
The word "plus" is common to the Latin and English languages, differing only in pronunciation.
It denotes an extra, an addition, an advantage, etc.
But it is also a way of expressing an ambition, a desire, a wish that INSILVIS wants to share with the visitors of the new website.
Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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