TRASCENDENT - Massimiliano Pavon

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TRASCENDENT, when water whispers a shape.

Crafted from stainless steel wire and sheet metal, the Transcendent collection of umbrella stands embody functionality yet seek to transcend it.
These sculptural forms quietly occupy space and invite contemplation, their essence changing with each change of perspective. Their fluidity is reminiscent of water and, like rain, symbolises a bridge between heaven and earth.
More than just design, these pieces are art, born from the author's exploration of the subtle boundaries between design and art. While design is concerned with the tangible, art reaches for the sacred, hinting at a higher spiritual realm.
Form is not static in an architectural space. it vibrates, hesitating almost, on the brink of movement.

“Yo crecí en esta ciudad, mi poesía nació entre el cerro y el río, tomó la voz de la lluvia, se impregnó de los bosques tal como la madera”.
“I grew up in this city, my poetry was born between the hill and the river, it took the voice of the rain, it was impregnated by the woods, like wood”.
Pablo Neruda
Massimiliano Pavon | Italia | P.IVA IT01259970935
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